Volume I - IV (English) "Cavitational Osteonecrosis in Jawbone".
Product number:
Product information "Volume I - IV (English) "Cavitational Osteonecrosis in Jawbone"."
From misjudged local inflammation to dangerous systemic disease.
You will gain insight into the functional and immunological derailment of the jawbone.
You will learn how to localize jawbone inflammation using new ultrasound sonography.
Science-based definition:
What is NICO, FDOJ and Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology in modern dentistry? -
The scientific fact:
The link from local inflammation to systemic dysfunction - hyperactivated immune signals RANTES/CCL5 from the jawbone. -
Unique in dental practice:
Objective localization of inflammation in the jawbone with the latest ultrasound technology CaviTAU®. - CaviTAU® in practice and in Slow Dentistry:
Radiation-free imaging of bone density with ultrasound: bone density beyond X-rays. -
CaviTAU® shows jawbone with reduced bone density:
Where are the systemic and immunologic relevant RANTES/CCL5 roots of disease? -
Implant success, Clean Implants and CaviTAU®:
“Am I inserting my implants into healthy jawbone? Or into sick bone marrow defects?” -
Endodontics and CaviTAU®:
Is there post-endodontic inflammation? - Trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain and CaviTAU®:
Probably the most painful disease in the world. - Neurodegeneration ALS, MS and CaviTAU®:
RANTES/CCL5 from bone marrow defects and CNS?
You can view the abridged ONLINE version for free HERE.
398 pp.
392 illustrations
670 references
ISBN: 978-3-931351-45-8