International College of
Maxillo-mandibular Osteoimmunology

Fortbildung für integrativ, biologisch arbeitenden Zahnärzte

Postgraduierte Weiterbildung – Finden Sie Ihre Fachliteratur, Ihren Lehrgang oder den Austausch mit Kollegen

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Neue Veröffentlichung! Ein spannendes und aufsehenerregendes Buch von Dr. Johann Lechner:

Cavitational Osteonecrosis in the Jawbone & How neglected local inflammation leads to systemic chronic disease

A whole new way to look at the mouth and its impact in systemic disease.
Important insights into the functional and immunological pathways between mouth and body

Find out how to target, diagnose and treat this unknown and silent killer disease and discover a whole new side of dentistry that will elevate your practice from dentistry to a leading healthcare center.

Scientific Based Definitions and Findings:
  • Auto-Immune diseases are dramatically rising around the world. Scientists are uncertain of the causalities. This book covers the pathways between local inflammation in the jaw and many major illnesses and how a simple surgery can help your patients regain their lives, energy and health.
  • What is NICO, FDOJ and Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology in modern dentistry?
  • Scientific Facts:
    The definitive link between local inflammation in the jaw bone and systemic illness ‒ How the hyper activated immune signals RANTES/CCL5 from the mouth cause massive systemic derailment in the immune system.
  • How and why technology plays a major role in the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.
  • Radiation-free imaging of bone density with ultrasound and why traditional X-ray is not enough to diagnose it.
  • How to use 3D-CBCT, blood tests and bone ultrasonography to find the origin of the pathology for faster diagnostic and treatment planning for a less invasive approach to target and treat FDOJ with high precision.
  • How to differentiate between healthy bone and inflamed bone before placing implants for much better results.
  • Endodontic's and CaviTAU®: Is there still inflammation after treatment and is 2D X-ray enough to be certain of success?
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain and NICO: "Probably the most painful disease in the world". How Jawbone Detox can help successfully treat the causes of this illness, that can many times lead to suicide.
  • Neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the connection between RANTES/CCL5 from bone marrow defects (FDOJ) and the Central Nervous System. How to easily diagnose and treat with the help of ultrasound technology and Jawbone Detox protocols.